Ridgeline Apps

Ridgeline has a simple mission: partner with investment managers to modernize their software. They aim to deliver an enterprise platform, unified applications across all offices, and a common data model. […]
Startup NV

As Nevada’s Only State-Wide Business Incubator, Startup NV enable startups to take scalable business ideas from beta / MVP into revenue-producing businesses, then prepare them to connect with early stage […]
Sierra Angels

Founded in 1997, Sierra Angels is a premier angel investment group with principal focus in Northern Nevada and the I-80 corridor of Northern California. Headquartered at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, they […]
Ozmen Ventures

Ozmen Ventures is an early-stage venture capital fund supporting innovative solutions to traditional problems in the northern Nevada region and beyond. Visit Ozmen Ventures
Battle Born Venture

The Battle Born Growth Escalator Venture Program is Nevada’s stateventure capital program. It makes equity investments in early stage,high growth Nevadan enterprises. Visit Battle Born Venture
Watershed Growth Ventures

A specialized consultancy and operator’s growth equity fund focused on effectively managing, funding and building early stage companies in Northern Nevada. Visit Watershed Growth Ventures
Reno Seed Fund

Here at the Reno Seed Fund our aim is to serve you and your ideas. The degree of our guidance comes down to the needs of your company. We want […]
InNEVenture Fund

The InNEVenture Fund is a source of proof-of-concept funding that has been established to help University of Nevada, Reno faculty, students, staff and recent graduates determine if their technologies and business ideas […]
Sierra Innovations

We transform innovative Northern Nevada projects into fast growing companies and mentor your start-up in the pre-seed investment stage. Sierra Innovations offers a comprehensive program from the initial design through the […]
Nevada SBDC

Nevada SBDC guides and assists Nevadans looking to start and grow businesses, with objectives to increase business starts, create and retain jobs, and increase access to capital. One-on-one counseling services […]