The Reno Venture Conference will be held May 14th and 15th at the NevadaMuseum of Art. The agenda and link to purchase tickets are now on the website. The Reno Seed Fund will be announcing investments, along with several other funding groups, at the conference.
Meet the 2019 Spring InNEVator Companies. The 8-week bootcamp will conclude with the four companies pitching at the Reno Venture Conference on May 15th.

Congratulations to the NCET Tech Awards winners, especially to the EDAWN Awardees:EO Accelerator , Talage Insurance, StartUpNV, Nathan Digangi, and Wendy Alderman
Congratulations to our local startups who collectively have raised over 100 million in venture funding in the last 6 months! Much of that money will be invested into the local economy to create high tech, high wage jobs. The Startup Deck 3.0 is in the works featuring augmented reality! Stay tuned for the release. To check out the current Startup Deck, click here.